Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Tell All About Smoking Salvia:

Ok here goes the tell all; my first reaction after about 15 seconds is … whoa, something is actually happening. This is weird stuff. I started feeling a pulse growing inside my body that started in my fingers and moved through the rest of my body. I also had an uncontrollable urge to go to Official Ares download and get eye of the tiger?!
I crossed the line! I stepped into the “drug” world. I gave into peer pressure and tried
smoking salvia. I was not sure how I would feel or if it would do anything but I gave it a shot.
Once the high from
smoking Salvia wore off, I felt exactly as I did when I started smoking Salvia. The high induced b smoking Salvia lasted, by my math, about two minutes, with about three minutes of talking about only god knows for a total experience time of five minutes. Once all done I had no headache, no sick feeling nothing at all I was just back to normal.
What did I get from
smoking Salvia?! Not an incredible out of body experience or a revelation that is going to change my life, but it was pretty neat and interesting and a new experience for me.
I have been told that LSD and magic mushrooms give one the same type of high just for a much much longer time. The “short”
salvia trips are what I believe help keep smoking salvia off the radar screens of the authorities. Of course, in most states. Some states have said that smoking salvia is illegal.


  1. thanks for sharing sounds like a good thing !

  2. Your welcome please feel free to contribute your own experiences :-)

  3. Thanks for the post! I am ready for another - you supply the salvia and I'll supply the trip!

  4. salvia extract is excellent for astra-projection!

  5. I have found that smoking salvia really takes my astra-projections to the next level. Has anyone compared different types of herbs or meditation to get the best astra-projection? Let me know what works, if anything, better than smoking salvia leaves! thx, Jeffery.

  6. Thanks for sharing your experience about Salvia. I am gonna get some myself and I promise that I will blog about it :-)

  7. Lots of good information and personal experiences about your salvia trip. I will try to smoke salvia myself and let you know about my experience.

  8. Victoria Blue salvia plants are often treated as bedding plants and massed together to form a "sea of blue." In round container gardens, install a Victoria Blue salvia plant in the middle, and let shorter plants in complementary colors trail over the edge. For those who like to bring the garden inside, Victoria Blue salvia flowers can be used in cut-flower arrangements or dried for a longer-lasting display.

  9. Great story about Salvia. Thanks for sharing will all clear and honest words. I have been thinkin about smoking salvia and I have a much better picture after reading your blog. So, now you have to figure out if I am going to trip or not :-)

  10. Q. I've followed all the advice, but I don't seem to be able to achieve strong effects, why is this?
    A. Approximately 10% of people are unusually insensitive to salvinorin A. Most of these people can achieve a satisfactory level of effects by using a higher than average dose. Some people require a dose several times higher than average. Be very cautious when experimenting with higher than average doses. Doses should be increased in gradual increments until one find the level of effects that interests you.

  11. The first thing to happen was for my vision (I could still see a little, from a small digital clock in the room) to just spin out of control, into a tunnel. I got a bit nervous, reaching for the light. With the light on, I felt a little strange, but no visual activity, so I mustered up some courage, shut off the music and turned the light out. I lay back and relaxed. What happened was wonderful. At first I kept switching realities... I was completely somewhere and someone else. I lived a complete life, had a complete memory of this life, and was just putting something on a shelf when I snapped back here to who I am. This sort of thing happened about three times. In one of them, the only thing I was aware of was that someone had just let out a blood-curdling scream. I was back here instantly, although I was scared that someone in my house had just heard that scream, but luckily it wasn't me screaming. After this I just enjoyed some morphing color patches. They were not very bright, but very beautiful. Then the plant starting to talk with me. It was definitely female. I felt as if my mother was holding me as an infant, but unlike my mother. This was somehow more comforting. I felt better than I have ever felt in a trip...

  12. The experience and intensity of the trip depends on the amount ingested and the metabolism and body chemistry of the user. It is good to have another person with you while experiencing the power of salvia. Many people have been known to lose complete touch with reality or try merging with other objects such as the floor or a table, there is also a possibility of losing consciousness and memory after consuming a large amount of the drug.Although I’ve heard of the effects of salvia lasting upwards of an hour and a half my first personal experience was much shorter however I did not smoke a large amount and I have never chewed the paste form.

  13. It is also good for keeping the plant healthy and strong while growing. I have heard of situations were salvia growers have had thier friends over, who knew nothing of diviner's sage, and the friends would ask about the odd looking little growing salvia plant. Some grower/users are reluctant to reveal thier intentions for the plant to thier more "upstanding" friends, but since it is completly legal in the US most people are pretty accepting. salvia divinorum is a relatively easy plant to propagate. Small cuttings will usually root within two or three weeks.

  14. This review is based on a 20x concentration of Salvia smoked in a pipe, without mixing other substances. The session typically lasts anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes and users generally experience the onset of the effects within the first minute.

  15. Impressive publish – I’ve been struggling with this pro around period and it’s impressive to go with this in turn.


Have You Ever Purchased Salvia Divinorum ?!
