Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kool program complements of my son: Ares

On Sunday I had to drive over to the old football field and pick up my son Jeff. Jeff is a senior in high school and he sometimes practices on Sunday in the off season. While driving back home he started to tell me about some of the things he has been doing in school and with his friends. One thing that caught my attention was the free Ares download that my son started talking about. He told me that he got this software a few days before and had been having a lot of fun sharing files. I asked him where I could download it.


  1. Great blog about Ares. I also love the picture, is that World of Warcraft?

  2. great photo! Lots of cool information about Ares. Thanks I will give it a try I want to download ares music for free and not have to worry about per piece fees :-)

  3. Great blog and informative about Ares! I have found that I can get any download I want from Ares. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Great information about Ares and thanks for the really cool picture from WOW. I am a big fan of Ares but I have not gotten into WOW I do however play a lot and I mean A LOT of COD4 on the PS3!

    Gran información sobre Ares y gracias a la genial fotografía de WOW. Soy un gran fan de Ares pero no me he metido en WOW, no obstante, que juegan mucho y quiero decir MUCHO de COD4 en la PS3!

  5. Sus amigos, familiares y el empleador apreciará más si usted apreciar, y no olvide incluir su lista de Ares. Hoy fue un día increíble Ares. Me encantaría que todo el mundo tienen el mismo Ares experiencia que yo. Yo pensé que algo podría ser una pérdida de tiempo ayer por la noche, me quedé y creado un "rodaje" Ares pista de sonido de mi cuarto de julio de salida. No he pensado ni sé si sería capaz de escuchar mi música Ares pero funcionó perfectamente. Salimos en el país con toneladas de municiones y mucha, mucha de las armas y tuve mi iPod y mi lista de reproducción especial Ares disparo. Cierto las armas eran muy fuertes, pero he usado mi iPod oradores como tapones en los oídos y con protectores auditivos ahogar las explosiones es todo lo que escuchó durante todo el día fue maravilloso Ares canciones! Un verdadero día de rodaje sin Ares música seguiría siendo grande, pero ¿por qué no hacer un gran día perfectamente Ares gran día!? No he sido disparar en aproximadamente 4 años, porque nunca puedo encontrar el tiempo. Por favor, no sólo se centran en el día a día cosas de rutina, dése un tratamiento, crear una lista de reproducción especial Ares sólo para usted y para ir hacer lo que quieres hacer.

  6. Or at least want to clap their hands to the music. I liked the piece that the first girl picked. She will do a great performance with that music. The next girl that was coming in was one of my favorite girls. She always put on one of the best performances in my recital. She was a little short thing with long, black, and flowing hair. She looked like an angel when she danced. I figure she would pick an Ares music download that was fairly fast and moving. The kind that makes people want to get up on their feet and dance themselves.

  7. Between all of the sporting events my children have and deadlines I have for work I'm lucky to remember them all. The last thing on my mind is remembering what day and time I have to return the movies we rent over the weekends. I got tired of paying late fees and found a solution. I now do ares downloads for all of our movies. I never have to remember when to take back our movies because they are now burned to our own DVDs. Many of us run out of time and space in our memory for everything we have to do and remember. We all have schedules and deadlines and family members who have them too.

  8. He calls it ares music, because he gets all of his songs from there now. I worry about what he can be exposed to on there, but his mom is okay with it I guess. I am not a computer genius. I think there are more five year-olds in the world that know how to download music quicker than I can figure it out. My sources tend to revolve around mix CD's that my friends have given me, or going to the iTunes store. When I was visiting my sister-in-law, her oldest son showed me some of the new music that he was downloading from Ares.

  9. I am able to speak, read, and understand Spanish so its really kind of surprising that I have never had the inclination to check it out. that all changed when my new girlfriend introduced me Ares Descargar Musica. I have been downloading this music for the past couple of weeks and have found a lot of songs and artists that I am really enjoying. I have been downloading all of my favorite music that I play on my iPod from Ares for a long time. I listen to all kinds of music, but had never really listened to Latin music.

  10. There are so many things to take care of in the computer age that it will be better to be on top of the programs that are available when you use them so that there will be an advantage to using better systems. When people come to the point of decisions about systems it is best to get all of the information about the programs that are available. If you are going to be involved in computer operations you are going to want to use ares because it is the way to share files and take care of all of the needs of your computer.

  11. There is a new content downloading website out there, or at least it is new to me. The site deals with a company called Ares, which is supposed to be one, if not the biggest content downloading company out there. To make it easier for you to navigate through your downloaded files, the program actually organizes all of your shared downloads into specific categories in the library section. Also, Ares has a quick-search feature that helps you find any song that you have on file by simply typing any keyword into the search box. I believe this company is going to be around for a while.

  12. Nearly everyone in my family is a huge music lover. We've got similar tastes, but we are all constantly craving the absolute best cuts we can get our hands on. We like to find unique music, maybe a live cut or a collaboration. The traditional pay-to-download sites don't make this possible; you just can't find the things you need. You can't always find them in the record stores, either. You can, however, find them on ares. I didn't know that file sharing, or peer-to-peer, software was still legal, but it is! It's also completely free. By having access to other people's files, you can get so much more than you can through any of the other means available.

  13. I moved to the United States from Latin America about ten years ago. Even today there is so much I miss from my homeland. Aside from my family and friends, I think what I have been missing the most, was my Latin music. There has been such little opportunity for me to hear the music I had grown up listening to everyday. Then I discovered Ares musica, a file sharing site. I have found so many Latin songs available to download. I can also chat with others who enjoy my favorite music. What makes it even better, is the site is in Latin so I don't even have to translate.

  14. When it comes to music, my mother has very eclectic tastes. She loves stuff from all over the world, with her favorite being Irish folk music. But living in a small town, she has a hard time getting the music she likes, because the selection is pretty much limited to mainstream music. Since she doesn't have a computer, I got an Ares free download, and make her a few CD's every month. She always tells me how much she looks forward to the CD's I send her, and I have to admit I love making them, because it has expanded my taste in music!

  15. An Oregon man who tried salvia divinorum said when he was younger he tried other hallucinogens such as peyote and psylocybin several times but didn't expect to repeat the Mexican herb. "Nothing I had done prepared me for it — I mean I thought I knew what these things did to you," he said. "I found it valuable, I felt like it re-opened some things that maybe had started to close up in me, but I don't think I want to go back." "I can't preclude there's something special about salvia divinorum because of the shaman connection," Halpern said. "It's a tool that's remained in the shaman's bag and that's probably where it should stay."

  16. My first experience with salvia was enjoyable though the effects were short lived and I would like to take this opportunity to share part of it with you to help you understand the drug a bit more.A few seconds after inhaling the smoke from a small pipe packed with salvia divinorum I began to feel very heavy. My entire body felt as though it were being pulled with great force to the ground. The area around my eyes lips and in between my fingers felt wet and cold and I found it incredibly difficult to speak although I could laugh. The walls of the room I was in began to ripple like water.

  17. They say on the one hand that publicity might attract users looking for a new "recreational drug," which they emphasize salvia divinorum is not, and on the other that it could prompt the DEA to take action against it without a full review of the case. One site posts an extensive list of academic articles discussing the herb's use by Indians in Mexico and how it works chemically on the brain. Among the articles is Salvinorin A: Notes of Caution by Daniel J. Siebert, the ethnobotanist who runs the site. Salvinorin A (the major active principal of the plant Salvia divinorum) is an extremely powerful consciousness altering compound," the article begins. "In fact, it is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen thus far isolated. But before would-be experimenters get too worked-up about it, it should be made clear that the effects are often extremely unnerving and there is a very real potential for physical danger with its use."

  18. Cuttings seem to root best when they are between two and eight inches long. They should be cut off of the mother plant using sharp, clean shears. The cut should be made just bellow a node. To root the cuttings in water: Put each cutting into a glass of water. Each glass should be filled about 4 -5 cm (1 1/2 - 2 inches) deep. It is a good idea to use a separate glass for each cutting of salvia so that if one starts to rot it doesn't spoil the water and kill the others. Leave the glasses indoors in diffuse light and add a little water as necessary to maintain the water level.

  19. Having music available is one thing. Having music available and organized in such a manner that the songs can be found is another. I had found several places that claimed to have an almost unlimited supply of music and I am not denying that they did. I will say that I could not find much of what I was looking for. Then I found Ares. Not only did they have millions of tunes, but they had a library that was organized. I could easily find what I wanted and then it was even easier to download them on my computer.

  20. Sono molto felice leggendo il vostro article.thanks molto per pubblicare queste informazioni.

  21. I follow your blog for a long time and must tell you that your posts always prove to be of a high value and quality for readers. Keep it up.


Have You Ever Purchased Salvia Divinorum ?!
